Each year The Madoc Agricultural Society hosts a competition to crownan Ambassador that will represent the Fair for the year.  The Madoc Fair Ambassador program is an excellent opportunity to become involved in the community, learn more about agriculture and the Madoc Fair and gain valuable leadership and presentation skills.  Individuals between the ages of 17 and 24 (as of August 1st, 2023) are invited to participate in this exciting experience!

The Ambassador Competition is held each year in August.

Each contestant:

• Completes an interview with a panel of 3 judges

• Prepares and delivers a 3 to 5 minute speech about

the Madoc Fair

• Answers an impromptu question


Winner: $250.00

1st Runner-up: $100.00

2nd Runner-up: $50.00

During the Fair Weekend all Contestants will be involved in a variety of events:

• Helping in the Homecraft Buildings on the Thursday and Friday prior to the Fair

• Handing out prize ribbons at various Competitions and Shows

• Spending time assisting with the children’s games

• Attending the Opening Ceremonies

• Representing the sponsors throughout the Fair Grounds

In addition to Fair Weekend the Ambassador will have the opportunity to represent and promote the Madoc Fair and the community through various events:

• Participating in Madoc Santa Claus Parade

• Attending Fair board Meetings

• Speaking to Community Organizations, Group and Clubs, Attending the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies (OAAS) Convention held for 3 days in Toronto in February

• Competing in the Canadian National Exhibition Ambassador of the Fairs Competition in Toronto in August CNE Ambassador of the Fairs Competition

On the opening weekend of the CNE in August Ambassadors from all fairs across Ontario participate in a 3-day competition for the title of CNE

Ambassador of the Fairs. Ambassadors participate in seminars, parades and can take in all that the CNE has to offer.

Thanks to Past and Present Sponsors of

the Madoc Fair Ambassador Competition!

• The Madoc Lions Club

• Madoc Guardian Pharmacy

• Madoc Agricultural Society

If you are interested in competing or for more information, please contact:

Darla Downey at


or by phone at 613-661-7279

Further information also available through our Facebook Page

Tom Simpson of the Madoc Lion's Club presenting 2023-2024 Ambassador Lucas with their sponsorship of the program. 

Past Madoc Fair Queens and Ambassadors

Past Ambassadors:

2023-2024: Lucas Moreau

2019-2020: Ally Ingram

2018-2019: Zoe Hiscock

2017-2018: Hailey Lake

2016-2017: Shannon Wilson

2015-2016: Caitlynn Downey

2014-2015: Ashley Keller

2013-2014: Denise Downey

2012-2013: Darla Downey (Top 7 Finalist at CNE)

Past Queens:

Noreen Pigden

Sandra (Stein) Hannah

(Debbie) Stacey Govier

Jennifer Sprague

Joyce (Brownson) Law

Dale (Bateman) Gordon

Bev (Stein) Wood

Lorraine (Bateman) Snider

Rebecca and Elizabeth Stire

Rhonda (Alexander) Wannamaker

Sandra (Franks) Hope

Connie (Taylor) Nobes

Kristi (Bjorndahl) Reid

Susan Ketcheson

Toni (McEathron) Manion

Margaret (Stein) Werchentha

Leanne Phillips

Patricia Wiggins