Home Canning 

Class 62

Committee Chairperson: Tracey Wood

Committee Members: Bernie Derry, Donna Peters, Sharon Govier

Prizes for the following categories unless stated otherwise

Prizes: 1st - $5, 2nd - $4, 3rd - $3

The Exhibit Building is open Thursday evening 7:00-8:00 pm and Friday morning 9:00 - 11:00 am for entries to be brough in.  Entries may be picked up on Sunday afternoon after 3:30 pm.  Doors will be closed at 3:00 pm on Sunday to allow the committees to take down and sort the exhibits. 

Note: No exhibits to be removed from the building unitl after 3:30 pm on Sunday.  Doing so will result in disqualification of the exhibits and forfeiture of the prize money.  This will be strictly enforced.  

Jars, sealed with snap lids are required.  Pint-sized jars are preffered, but not mandatory.  No food colouring.  Jars must be sealed for the judge to open.  Spoiled items will be disqualified. 
