Agriculture-Garden Produce

Class 45

Committee Chairperson: Joanne Lemmon 613-473-2175

Committee: Barb Rivers

All vegetables to be washed/cleaned, but not scrubbed.  Potatoes to be rubbed, not washed.  Onions must not be peeled.  All tomatoes are to have stem attached.  Vegetables and fruits to be displayed on an appropriate size decorative dinner or luncheon plate (not paper).  (A.O.V - Any Other Variety)

Garden Produce

Prizes: 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2

Vegetable Specials

28. Largest Giant Pumpkin - Prize $100 (min. weight of 50 lbs) (Free Entry for children under 16, Exhibitor # required) Sponsored by Kerby Hallow Farms

29. Best Display of Farm Produce - Prizes: 1st - $25, 2nd - $15, 3rd - $10 containing a minimum of 15 items, list attached, judged on display attractiveness, quality and content. 

30. Largest Sunflower Head - Prizes 1st - $12, 2nd - $8, 3rd - $5.  Sponsored by County Farm Centre. 

31. Tallest Corn Stalk  - Prizes: 1st - $12, 2nd - $8, 3rd - $5. Sponsored by Country Farm Centre

32. Best Scarecrow - not over 5' tall Prizes: 1st - $25, 2nd - $15, 3rd - $10. Sponsored by Madoc Farm Supply

33. Garlic Bulbs, Braided at least 10" long. Prizes: 1st - $12, 2nd - $8, 3rd - $5. Sponsored by Madoc Farm Supply. 

34. Tallest Sunflower, Prizes: 1st - $12, 2nd - $8, 3rd - $5. Sponsored by Madoc Farm Supply. 

35. Largest Watermelon, Prizes: 1st - $12, 2nd - $8, 3rd - $5. Sponsored by Dekalb-Bayer Crop Science

36. Four Red Tomatoes on the vine.Prizes: 1st - $12, 2nd - $8, 3rd - $5. Sponsored by Dekalb-Bayer Crop Science

37. Fruit, 4 samples on a plate, any variety or kind. Prizes: 1st - $12, 2nd - $8, 3rd - $5. Sponsored by Dekalb-Bayer Crop Science

38. Spanish Onions in a decorative Basket, Prizes: 1st - $12, 2nd - $8, 3rd - $5. Sponsored by Dekalb-Bayer Crop Science

39. Best Potatoes, any variety, in a decorative basket, prize $10. Sponsored by Karen and Larry Wood. 

40. Best Exhibit of a Variety of Garden Produce in a 3L basket. Prize $20. Sponsored by Karen and Larry Woods. 

41. Best 3L Basket of Tomatoes, any variety Prize $10, Sponsored by C.G.

42. Largest Zucchini Squash, Prize $10, Sponsored by Mackenzie Mills Emporium. 

43. Largest Spaghetti Squash, Prize $10, Sponsored by Mackenzie Mills Emporium. 

44. Best Ripe Tomatoes,  Prize 1st - $12, 2nd - $8, 3rd - $5. Sponsored by Woodview Farms