Maple Syrup Products

Class 42: Commercial Exhibit

Committee Chairperson: Steve Needham 613-473-6780

Committee: Heather Needham


All entries must be in correct section.  All exhibitors to be bonafide producers of maple products. 

Note: Maple syrup below 66 brix will be disqualified. 

Note: There must be two or more entries in each class to be counted in the four classes. 

Prizes: 1st - $20, 2nd - $15, 3rd - $10, unless otherwise specified

Trophy donated by O'Hara Sugar Maples to the highest scoring syrup in any of the 5 classes. 

Class 61 - Baking

48. Maple Syrup Pie, any size, on an aluminum plate, in a ziplock bag or in plastic wrap. 

Sponsored by Harry Dennis

49. Maple Fudge, four (4) pieces on a plate, covered in plastic wrap or in ziplock bag. 

Sponsored by Steve Needham

50. Maple Syrup Tarts, three (3) on a plate, covered in plastic wrap or in a ziplock bag. 

Sponsored by Wendy and Mike Sniderhan