
Rules and Regulations:

All entries must be the work of the exhibitor and is open to amateur winemakers only.  Wines to be presented in 700-750ml bottles with one bottle per category for each exhibitor.  No single wine may be entered in more than one category.  Entries will be judged on the following criteria: colour, clarity, flavour, balance and quality.  Wines will be judged at room temperature.  Each bottle must bear the appropriate entry tage securely attached to the neck of the bottle. Wines must be received no later than 11:00 am Friday. Entries may also be received Thursday 7:00 - 8:00 pm. 

Prize: 1st - $12, 2nd $8, 3rd - $5 (for classes 44, 45, 46)

44. Best Red Wine, labelled - should be full red in colour with a lingering aftertaste

45. Best White Wine, labelled - can vary from almost colourless to pale gold

46. Best Fruit Wine - may be dry or sweet, not intended to be served with a entree portion of a meal

47. Best Overall: Judges favourite categories 44, 45 & 46.  Gift Certificate for a wine tasting and tour for a party of ten people help at our sponsors prestigious winery.  

Sponsored by Potter Settlement Artisan Winery, Tweed Ontario