
Class 67 - Amateur Photography

Entrants cannot be a professional photographer for their own

or another photography business.

Chairperson: Wendy Sniderhan,

Committee: Kathy Fleming, Art and Helen Lessard

9:00 to 11:00 a.m. for entries to be brought in. Entries may be picked up on Sunday afternoon after

3:30 p.m. Doors will be closed at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday to allow the committees to take down and

sort the exhibits.

Note: No exhibits shall be taken down from display or removed from the building or grounds until

after 3:30 p.m. Sunday. Doing so will result in disqualification of the exhibits and forfeiture of the

prize money. (Strictly enforced)

black bristol board and have the entry tag securely attached.

Judges Criteria as directed by OAAS:


line “MAS Photo Judging”

Section PH1 – PH13 One 4x6 print on black bristol board with approximately 1” border

Prizes: 1st $5.00, 2nd $3.00, 3rd $2.00

PH1 Down on the Farm – Sponsored by Barb Gordon

PH2 The Child in All of Us – Sponsored by Barb Gordon

PH3 Loving Life – Sponsored by CG

PH4 Reflection Images – Sponsored by CG

PH5 Standing out from the Crowd – Sponsored by CG

PH6 Solitude – Sponsored by Barb Gordon

PH7 Dressing Up – Sponsored by Lois Devolin

PH8 Sisterhood/Brotherhood – Sponsored by Jacquie McCarthy

PH9 In Honour of our Seniors – Sponsored by Jacquie McCarthy

PH10 Fall Colours – Sponsored by Milk and Honey Photo Co.

PH11 Farm Animals – Sponsored by Milk and Honey Photo Co.

PH12 Kids in Action – Sponsored by Jacquie McCarthy

PH13 In My Back Yard – Sponsored by Wild Soul Photography

Section PH14 – PH30 One 5x7 print on black bristol board with approximately 1” border

Prizes: 1st $10.00, 2nd $7.00, 3rd $5.00

PH14 Madoc Fair - Sponsored by Charlotte Lahey

PH15 Country Landscape – Sponsored by Grant and Gayle Ketcheson

PH16 Country Roads/Lanes – Sponsored by Grant and Gayle Ketcheson

PH17 Cottage Life – Sponsored by Grant and Gayle Ketcheson

PH18 Water Scene - Sponsored by The Rolston Image

PH19 My Crazy Pet – Sponsored by Ellen Wilson

PH20 Splash of Colour - Sponsored by Charlotte Lahey

PH21 Water in Action - Sponsored by Through the Lens Photo Club

PH22 Well Beaten Path - Sponsored by Charlotte Lahey

PH23 Shadow(s) – Sponsored by CG

PH24 WildFlower – Sponsored by CG

PH25 Nature's Gift – Sponsored by CG

PH26 Insect(s) - Sponsored by Jacquie McCarthy

PH27 Action – Sponsored by Katy Sniderhan

PH28 Night Photograph – Sponsored by Elizabeth Laidlaw

PH29 Evidence of Having Been There – Sponsored by Wendy Sniderhan

PH30 After Dark - Sponsored by Elizabeth Laidlaw

PH31 – PH33 One 8x10 print on black bristol board with approximately 1” border

Prizes: 1st $15.00, 2nd $10.00, 3rd $5.00

PH31 Photographers Choice – Sponsored by Through the Lens Photography Club

PH32 Horse Photograph – Sponsored by Cliff Derry

PH33 Local Butterfly – Sponsored by Cliff Derry

PH34 – PH36 Two 4x6 prints on black bristol board with approximately1” border

Prizes: 1st $10.00, 2nd $7.00, 3rd $5.00

PH34 Sunrise/Sunset - Sponsored by Milk and Honey Photo Co.

PH35 Wildlife - Sponsored by The Rolston Image

PH36 Gardenscape - Sponsored by Ellen Wilson

PH37 Two 5x7 prints on black bristol board with approximately a 1” border

Prizes: 1st $15.00, 2nd $10.00, 3rd $5.00

PH 37 Historical image and photographers retake/recreation of the same location/scene

Sponsored by Grant and Gayle Ketcheson

– the entrant must give proper recognition to the source/creator of the original image

Best In Show

Sponsored by Dianne and Eric Brick

Prizes $15.00 for each section

PH38 Best in Show – People/Animals – In Memory of Gordon Pigden

PH39 Best in Show – Landscape/Scenery – In Memory of Mary L Pigden


PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION - No entry fees, prize money only at OAAS level

Contest Objectives:

1. To help publicize the activities of all Agricultural Societies and fairs in the OAAS.

2. To create pride in the activities of all Agricultural Societies and fairs in the OAAS.

3. To contribute to a library of images for OAAS promotions.

Rules and Guidelines:

1. Images must be taken at Madoc Fair in the current year (2024) by members, volunteers, or visitors.

2. Images from professional photographers cannot be submitted

3. Absolutely no digital image enhancement allowed. All enhanced images will be disqualified.

4. Judging at the MAS level will be done by a committee approved by the MAS board of directors.

5. Judging at the OAAS level will be done by a committee approved by the Convention Administrator

6. Images will be shown, and awards presented at the upcoming OAAS Convention

7. Prize money will be distributed by MAS to winners after the judging at the 2025 OAAS Convention.

8. By entering it is understood that all images will become property of the OAAS and MAS and may be used for

promotional use and posted without compensation or acknowledgement.

9. All entries must be sent electronically in high resolution to before

November 1, 2024. Please include your name and class number with each image submitted.


Junior Division- youth up to age 15 years (as of December 31 of current year)

1. Candid shot of people having fun at your fair

2. Creatures and critters at your fair

3. Brilliant colours at your fair

4. Most unusual display at your fair

Open Division -

Human Involvement

5. Youth participation at the fair – e.g. exhibit, display, ribbons won, competitions, races, etc.

6. Adult/Senior involvement – e.g. working, displays, enjoying your fair

7. Candid shot of children having fun at your fair

8. Candid shot of someone too pooped to participate anymore

9. 4-H involvement at your fair – e.g. livestock, displays

10. People with creatures and critters at your fair


11. Most unusual display at your fair

12. Homecraft at your fair – e.g. displays, demonstrations, etc.

13. Live action shows – e.g. singers, pulls, demos, something musical, your fair at night

14. Quilts/Handicrafts at your fair

15. Display of machinery – e.g. tractors, vehicles, engines, farming equipment


16. Animal show – e.g. livestock show, pet show, horse show

17. Live demonstrations with animals – e.g. blacksmith, sheep shearing etc.

18. Reptiles/Birds/Small Animals – e.g. bird show, rabbits, etc.

19. Proud moment – e.g. winners with their ribbons


20. Fair Ambassador involvement – e.g. with displays, ribbons, etc.

21. Promoting this year’s fair and/or theme – e.g. displays, signs, etc.

PRIZE MONEY: 1st-$20 2nd-$16 3rd-$12 4th-$7 5th-$5

Madoc Agricultural Society (MAS) will do our best to include some of these classes as new sections in the

2025 Photography Competition at our fair, so save your files!